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Wow, I am a flaming liberal, and normally I don't even think twice about general trolling by politicians like this, but that is ridiculous. Have these guys ever cooked anything in their entire life that wasn't labeled "Chef Boyardee?"

Salt has more properties than just something you sprinkle on-top to get more "flavor." Some basic foods that require salt as a functional ingredient: bread (including cakes, muffins, bagels, etc) where it regulates yeast activity, cheese, brined poultry (the only poultry worth eating if you ask me), marinated meats, cured meats. Pasta and most vegetables also taste very bland unless they're infused with salts during cooking to bring out their flavors.

I would even argue that half of the art of cooking is when and how to salt things properly.

Just yesterday I saw an episode of Good Eats where Alton Brown talked about many different kinds of salt, something I was only vaguely aware of previously. There a number of Good Eats episodes that talk about salt in general. Anyone who is only cooking things labeled Chef Boyardee would do themselves some good to spend some time on youtube and the food network's website.

Heh, according to this link, Chef Boyardee 99% Fat Free Beef Ravioli (picked at random) has 37% of the minimum daily requirement of sodium.


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