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It's not a matter of taste. Philosophy is about which questions you ask.

More specifically, it's about what kind of questions are considered worth asking. You can track the changes through history, and philosophy often leads politics and art as much as it does science.

Philosophy looks like the most abstract and possibly trivial pastime, but in fact it's incredibly powerful and influential, because it literally makes some world views thinkable and others unthinkable.

The different interpretations of QM are trying to ask different questions about reality. The fact that they're empirically indistinguishable suggests that either they're literally irrelevant - because they all give the same answer - or that no one knows how to ask a more insightful question yet.

If a more insightful question exists, it may come from some completely unexpected direction.

Physics has had a century to think about the problem, and hasn't gotten any closer to a definitive solution.

That suggests either more time is needed and we just haven't got there yet. Or perhaps the real explanation is literally unthinkable within the world view we have today.

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