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Uh, very no.

back it up with some data?

I'd say wordpress vulnerabilities alone account for quite a bit.

PHP is such a low barrier to entry, plus there's just so much php code about.

For now, you should just take my word for this.

PHP is the least of WordPress' problems. Or. Well. Not the worst of WordPress' problems.

I love the sentiment as a php connoisseur, but my lack of knowledge about enterprise language has me asking why...?

My (uneducated about security) guess is that it is because most bugs are in code written in a language by a programmer, not runtime bugs or bugs in the language itself. And that when it comes to languages, how easy it is to shoot yourself in the proverbial foot could (should?) be looked at as being as (or more, depending on your POV?) important then how secure the runtime is.

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