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Look up the ESP8266. It's a very cheap piece of hardware that you can program using the Arduino IDE. It can connect to your local WiFi easily and send a push notification to your phone.

So you can build something like this using a simple PIR sensor + ESP8266.

Just made an account to say this and you beat me to it.

I built a garage door opening sensor using an ESP8266 (connected to my home wifi) and a magnetic contact switch. I'm also using TelAPI to send me SMS messages every time the garage door is opened.

It is very simple to do, and kind of cheap.

Could you please share any existing sources (schema, firmware)? Thanks in advance.

Thanks, sounds similar to the particle photon + pir sensor I used for my version 1. It works, but i'm wondering if the phone part is overkill if I want to make this into a real product. Requires programming, an app on the app store, etc. If i have a second piece of hardware to receive and make noise, maybe that would be easier.

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