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Calacanis vs DHH on This Week in Startups (thisweekinstartups.com)
32 points by pchristensen on March 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 34 comments

Most of the discussion is over now, but the video will be reposted to this url by Monday. It's the first time I've ever seen someone do a good job attacking dhh/37signals. It's not belligerent, but very probing. Makes me wish I could have seen Calacanis when he was a tech journalist.

I think I would have become one of the top 10 tech journalists ever if I had not been cursed with being a CEO/founder.

Sometimes I wish I was still a journalist.

I don't doubt that at all. Founding a business exposes you to very real pain points that someone who hasn't run a business might not think to ask about. Since my transition from journalism to entrepreneur/sometime-journalist, I've often wondered why on earth people listen to business journalists who've never started or managed a business of their own. How could they possibly write with authority if they haven't been through this themselves?

This is a fair point.... when you start running businesses you start realizing how little journalists really understand the industry you're actually in and how it works.

There are exceptions like John Markoff from the New York Times, Peter Rojas of Engadget/GDGT, Kara Swisher, Walt Mossberg, Henry Blodget and Michael Arrington. all of those folks have deep knowledge... many other folks are simply rewriting press releases.

It doesn't have to be businesses. When you learn the truth about anything that is commonly reported, you learn how shallow the reporting on it is. That is true whether you're gaining a deep knowledge of science, politics, a particular celebrity, or anything else you see in the news.

But if you think that reporters in general are bad, wait until you see a "documentary" on it. Hollywood's attitude is, "If we don't know the difference then our audience won't either." It shows.

And you wonder why people hate you.

"I could have been one of the best ever if I weren't cursed with having to make millions of dollars." It sounds so cocky.

I actually don't hate you (When I first heard of you, I asked a friend of mine "Is this guy a dick, totally awesome, or both?" and I still think "both" is a pretty good way to describe you, so you could say I'm split.), but I hope you see why people do.

but I hope you see why people do.

And like Jobs, Gates, Ellison, Branson, or whoever, I hope he doesn't care if random people on the Internet think he's arrogant or is a "dick." You don't get to even Jason's level by dwelling on this (or, at least, showing it in public).

That aside, if Jason had a ton of time to dump into being a "top tech journalist", would he be up against really serious competition? Cringely? Mossberg? Scoble? Arrington? All awesome in their own ways but the gamut of skill in that game is pretty thin.

He seems to care enough to post in nearly every HN thread that mentions him, often pretty defensively, unlike those other people you mentioned...

Good point. I guess he's not far enough up the totem pole yet to stop hanging out with us serfs ;-)

Actually, I wish he would try and become a top 10 tech journalist. His writing is good and certainly more entertaining than the constant Mahalo SEO-runaround forced down our throats here at HN..

I like to talk with folks.... it's the journalist in me. I don't consider you guys/gals serfs--far from it. I consider you guys the real people who actually do sh#$%t. Most of the folks I get to hang out with are CEOs and VCs who talk about the sh2@#$t their people do. I'm all about the doing....

... thus the reason I'm here with the doers. I'm from the bottom, so I still feel it for the bottom.

I'm from the bottom, so I still feel it for the bottom.

  Don't be fooled by the blogs that I rocked;
  I'm still, I'm still Jason from the block
  Used to have a little, AOL gave me a lot
  Mahalo isn't spam and I still know where I came from.

Well don't let the downvote brigade discourage you from posting here. I'm sure many of us like hearing from an entrepreneur that's made it, even if you do ruffle feathers.

Personally I like hearing from people who tell it as they think it is, even if they're wrong sometimes.

I'm going to have to ask you to use the phrase "why some people hate you." RIght or wrong, why would I get up in the morning and hat a guy who I have never met and has so far not done me a bad turn?

Because he admires himself? What is this, Sunday morning church moralizing about the SIn of Pride? This is Hacker News! We pride ourselves on our hacking prowess and startup-fu!! If you want a sin to rail against, it's false modesty.

Jason may be wrong about how smart he is. That's just being wrong about something. It's no more reprehensible than my being wrong about thinking I could raise a son and found a company at the same time (Paul, you were right about my chances even if I have no regrets about my choice).

I didn't mean to imply that all people hate him. I just meant that there are (many) people that hate him. I would have said "why everyone hates you" if that's what I meant. But I can see why it would sound like that's what I meant.

Fair enough. And it seems from reading HN you may be right, although I suspect it has more to do with certain choices than with certain words. But looking at my own life I'm in no position to moralize about business ethics, I used to work in sales...

Why would I care if people hate me because I'm honest? I can tell you I would have been one of the worst NBA players of all time and one of the best business journalists of all time with a straight face... because both statements are true.

rock on

Simply saying that would have been ok--a little cocky, but excusable in my book--were it not immediately followed by your statement that you were "cursed with being a CEO/founder."

If you really wanted to realize your potential as a tech journalist, you could have. No one forced you to start companies.

Saying that you're "cursed" by achieving one of the top goals of half of the people here (having a wildly successful startup)--and becoming orders of magnitude richer than the average person because of it--isn't going to help with all of those "haters" who downvote half of your comments to -4.

I'm pretty sure that was meant to be humorous.

I think for public figures, people are always going to find something small or big to hate on. So I think you deal with it and not wonder about it.

As to the comment. Honestly. If your good at something and you worked at. You should not be afraid of the thought of telling someone your good at it, perhaps even one the best.

404 error and I can't find the content on the site. Why was it pulled?

Cool, but it doesn't play. The video gets a 403 error and the audio a 404 (on the underlying media files).

Eh .... 30 seconds in I'm listening to some guy crap on about how awesome Apple are because they only put one USB port in some laptop.

Back to work for me.

The interview section from about 45 min to 90 min in was really good, worth coming back to when the full version is posted.

Thanks! DHH was an amazing guest with great perspective and obviously he has the talent to back up his positions.

Really enjoyed having him as a guest.... the show will be up at www.thisweekin.com in two hours or so.

best j

"Couldn't care less" versus "don't care very much" on "wow, i really don't care".

The blogosphere is like an organism that can eat itself to survive and grow.

The interesting bit is where David gets sucked into Calcanis' "more money is best" angle (and in some respects, JC's brain really lucked out on picking up on this weakness).

From what I can tell, DHH is much more focussed on Quality of Life than simple monetary gain which was only briefly touched on (if at all).

Good discussion.

I hope somebody (Jason?) starts doing shorter 10m summary videos of this.

Does anyone have a link to the video?

Its usually posted on itunes a day or so after.

I was just thinking, it's been about 4 or 5 days since the last rash of "Calacanis is an evil SEO monster bird mecha godzilla thing" blog postings.

This didn't have anything to do with that. This was one of the most even yet intense debates I've seen in a while. Most of the time it's either one dominant person that no one is standing up to, or everybody is buddy buddy and I get suspicious about the lack of disagreement. The was healthy debate.

I loved it. David is a smart, passionate guy... you don't see that too often in our business. he reminded me of a young Mark Cuban

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