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No need for bootstrapping step, 90% of portability taken care off for free, ability to use lower level and faster primitives than Go offers, access to tons of great C libraries.

> 90% of portability taken care off for free

You sir, have clearly never attempted to write portable C or Go code. Writing portable C code takes a serious effort. It's not hard if you know what you have to pay attention to - but 90% portability taken care of for free? That's simply not true, unless you think being portable is "it runs on a POSIX system".

Writing portable Go code - in most cases - you don't need to do anything or make only slight changes to your code, and cross-compiling is the easiest I've ever encountered.

> ability to use lower level and faster primitives than Go offers

Like what? Go's unsafe code is free from doing almost anything (except things like array bound checks that are always enforced).

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