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Want to find out someone’s native language? Ask them how many fingers they have (antimoon.com)
4 points by tszyn on March 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Wrong. Every native English speaker I know would answer 10 fingers.

As a native English speaker my answer would be ten. Second most likely would be five. I'd be unlikely to ever say eight.

Conceivably, if asked as a science question:

"How many fingers does a gorilla have on each hand?"

One might hear, in English, "Four fingers and a thumb."

Otherwise, as a native English speaker, when asked "How many figures do you have?" I'm answering "ten".

As an Englishman, I'd say 8 fingers. Then again, I'm also quite pedantic, I figure some people would definitely say 10, but I wonder if it's a transatlantic thing.

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