Even if Luakit itself is getting commits, last I checked the underlying webkit code it's based on doesn't get security updates, so as much as I would like to use it; it's really not a good idea: https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2016/02/01/on-webkit-secu...
Yes, there were a few commits recently, but doesn't look like it's suddenly awesome again.
That said, I really have to try it again.
I used to use it extensively (1-2 years ago) as one of my off-browsers (prefer that to profiles) but at some point most bigger websites (like Facebook) were wonky.
Its an interesting project - so encouraging people to check it out, even if its 'antiquated', means there's a higher likelihood of someone checking it out, and then contributing to the project to bring it forward .. so while its good to know that there are delinquencies in how far back the code goes vis a vis security fixes, its still a positive thing to encourage people to check it out - and possibly contribute. I, for one, welcome the luakit revival that may happen as a result ..
As has the more interesting idea the idea of a lua-based mail-client using Luakit: http://dieter.plaetinck.be/post/luamail_a_mail_client_built_...
That said I did write a console-based mail-client with lua support: