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http://prairiehome.org/shows/ has the archive, and it is kind of sucky to use their player when out on a road trip here on the prairie. I'm not on the same edge of the prairie as St. Paul, but the cellular network isn't exactly top notch on the roads I travel here in SE Indiana. So, I yank down the episodes that I miss the live broadcasts.

The APM player is open source.


But no need to deep dive the source.

When you open a player page's source, you see a line like this:

var playables = [{"identifier":"apm_audio:\/phc\/2016\/07\/02\/phc_20160702_128.mp3"}];

Looks like the end of a URL, but what is the beginning? It isn't prairiehome.publicradio.org where the page is served from.

Opening the apmplayer-all.min.js, there is:

function(){var d={"apm-audio":{flash_server_url:"rtmp://ondemand-rtmp.stream.publicradio.org/music",flash_file_prefix:"mp3:ondemand",http_file_prefix:"http://ondemand-http.stream.publicradio.org",buffer_time:3,t...},"apm-live-audio"

You get the beginning of the URL for the file. Put two and two together, you get:


Now that we have the format and know that PHC is a weekly show, you could directly grab or make a bulk download script.


Note: the archive only has Sept 2012 onward - http://prairiehome.org/shows/2012/09/ Before that, episodes are Realplayer RAM files on the old archive page.

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