My setup is a little convoluted. I've found that using the write mount really slows me down, so I use a unionfs mount with the writes going to the local hard drive, and the cloud drive being the primary read source. Given that it's unionfs though, anything that I haven't synced will be read from the hard drive.
So the order goes: Sonarr/CouchPotato -> Local Hard Drive -> Amazon Cloud Drive -> Plex. I stream directly off the cloud drive for any file older than an hour, as that's my upload interval.
nice. so you read from ACD, because you're mainly writing to local? Or is there another reason for NOT reading from local? also, does local completely mirror ACD, or have you found a way around that?
It doesn't mirror it at all. The local stuff is only a temporary holding place for it to sit until it gets uploaded to ACD, at which point it is unceremoniously deleted. I have >10TB on my cloud drive, but I'm using <10GB on my hard drive.
So the order goes: Sonarr/CouchPotato -> Local Hard Drive -> Amazon Cloud Drive -> Plex. I stream directly off the cloud drive for any file older than an hour, as that's my upload interval.