Don't waste people's time is the kind of advice that is hard to follow, though. How would you know? If you spend two days writing a 2000 word essay to someone you obviously think that it's important.
"Hi, I'm ${ME}. I'm the founder of ${COMPANY}, and we make ${STUFF} that ${IMPRESSIVE}. Would you mind if I sent you a 2000 word essay, or would you just delete it after five seconds?"
Don't waste two days writing a 2000 word essay if there's a significant chance it will simply be ignored. Establish the relationship first. Heck, I'd have a hard time getting my wife to read a 2000 word essay, no matter how important I thought it was personally.
It's important to you but it might not be so important to them.
I completely agree with the parent's notes - keep it quick and clear. The sooner I can find out whether I want to help you or work with you or whatever, the better.