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People have taken your example and run with it, but as someone from Kansas, I implore you not to start a business in Kansas. The governor has run what little infrastructure existed into the ground. There is nothing for you there. I'd suggest somewhere like Austin, where taxes are sufficiently low, the city has a supply of tech workers, and the city has working infrastructure.

Or Phoenix, which the founders of Tuft and Needle recently recommended[1] and is cheaper than Austin.

[1]: https://m.tuftandneedle.com/if-you-re-building-a-startup-you...

Cheaper than Austin. But less talent...way less talent.

For now! I'm not a cheerleader for Phoenix (I've been once and had a pleasant visit), but I do think it's well-positioned given its anchor university's commitment to experimentation, weather, cost of living, and reasonably good access to outdoorsy activities.

Markets figure these things out. Not sure why people feel the need to convince markets / market participants, unless they somehow don't like the decisions that those have made.

There is no guarantee that markets will figure some of these things out over useful timelines for individual humans.

Markets figure these things out in favor of what makes money. There is no guarantee that what does get figured out is of any benefit to the people living there.

Okay. Go for it! Start a business in Kansas. I'm just some guy on the internet.

I agree. Though, Kansas City, MO has a decent tech base (for the midwest) and you can still get much cheaper housing costs than anywhere in SV, or even Austin.

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