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I'd LOVE to see some Linux web/micro benchmarks... particularly against Java, Go, Node, Python.

They link to some benchmarks in the article: https://github.com/aspnet/benchmarks (they're a little hard to read on mobile, but I think the tl;dr is "plenty fast" (or to quote the article: "Our lab runs show that ASP.NET Core is faster than some of our industry peers. We see throughput that is 8x better than Node.js and almost 3x better than Go, on the same hardware. We’re also not done! These improvements are from the changes that we were able to get into the 1.0 product.")

I find the binary-tree benchmark specially disturbing, it looks like the .NET Core GC/escape-analysis has some catching up to do.

The multi core difference?

Check the cpu secs and cpu load; check the source code.

Oh I should have checked that first. Thanks.

Scott Hunter of MS did an interview not so long ago re .NET, Kestrel (the new libuv HTTP server they build), and their march to build up as a top contender for Tech Empower.


They have a team who does it all for fun and has an impressive testing environment build out. Fascinating to listen to given today's new. I listened a few weeks ago myself.

I have friends at work who liked C# and moved on to frontend. The fact they are so less interested in .NET now is amazing to me as I finally want them to teach me to use ... on Linux!? I never thought I would say that. Haha.

Even more details on .NET and Kestrel in a more recent episode just a few days ago: http://dotnetrocks.com/?show=1312

My bad. I think I meant that one! There website without JS enabled is terrible these days, so I search around with Google and that was from a FB post I scanned.

Yes, their new site is terrible, I much preferred the simple site they had before that loaded quickly. The new animations, modals and UI buttons are a big downgrade and I'm surprised they went with it considering some of their prior podcasts.

I should not be so judgemental. I noticed they interview what appears to be close friends they have in the Angular community, especially since one of the popular devs/evangelists of Angular, John Papa[0], is a friend of theirs they interviewed.

More elaborate front-end was inevitable. That being said, I love their content and only really interact with their work through an Android podcatcher/audio client.

[0] https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide/blob/master/a...

The webstack is pretty fast, they're working on getting listed officially in the techempower rankings [1]. Here's an older article from Feb explaining more details. [2]

1. https://github.com/aspnet/benchmarks

2. http://web.ageofascent.com/asp-net-core-exeeds-1-15-million-...

Me too. Especially compared to raw servlets, not the normal 50 layers of inheritance, enterprise crap.

From the release notes:

"We used industry benchmarks for web platforms on Linux as part of the release, including the TechEmpower Benchmarks. We’ve been sharing our findings as demonstrated in our own labs, starting several months ago. We’re hoping to see official numbers from TechEmpower soon after our release.

Our lab runs show that ASP.NET Core is faster than some of our industry peers. We see throughput that is 8x better than Node.js and almost 3x better than Go, on the same hardware."

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