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T-Shirts for VCs (vcwear.com)
34 points by webwright on Feb 20, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

Wow, I'd buy one except the shirts are seriously 100 bucks. I thought they were joking.

We will put some on 'startup' pricing soon.

You should offer the exact same shirts for "startup" price and come up with some reason why the VCs should pay the $100.

Price discrimination at its finest!

Great job with the site though. I liked the VC Powerpoint.

Edit: Also, I had an idea for a shirt.

"Money, or power?

Yes. I'm a VC."

You just might see that as a shirt... loved it.

Thanks! :)

If it makes it, do you think I could get a discount from the $100 for it?

Most definitely.

Wow, this is pure genius.

Especially love how the shirts are ridiculously expensive and next to the "buy this shirt" button there's a "buy this company" button that actually works.

although I'd ask for at least $1M...

We would have, but Google Checkout maxes out at 100k

So why not ask for $100k for 10%? :~)

if you can get it, more power to you

they won't even look if it's less than 100

Maybe they can find unique capitalistic synergies with StartupSchwag.com

The coolest part is that Andrew Hyde (founder of Startup Weekend) and his friend built this during a plane ride. Awesome!

Best part: they're undershirts. As in, the dude you're pitching to could be wearing it, and you'd have no clue...

Can i get some sales stats? thinking of getting angel funding? ;)

The pitch is hilarious!

"Don't pitch me, bro."


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