Off the top of my head, I think "MacFoo" and "WinBar" are well-accepted conventions for tools built for the mac and windows respectively. Maybe look for something short and sweet in that vein? Or just something short and easy to memorize.
I'm really terrible at choosing names, so I'm sorry for criticizing more than I'm suggesting.
I wish you lots of success, the world needs more easy to use development tools. Don't let armchair quarterbacks like me demotivate you :)
I do too, but I didn't choose it :) It was an internal codename picked by one of the early engineers on the project. In fact I firmly intended to change the name before launch - but we accidentally launched ahead of schedule and people loved it. The rest is history.
A good example of my ineptitude at identifying good names.
That is why asking is always a good idea. I've met entrepreneurs that have the mindset that everything has to be an idea of themselves. I think that ego is a big player on their mindset.
The great thing about open-source is that everything is created through collaborarion. The best of everyone is contributed to a project in benefit of the entire community.