Many years ago, our family home in London was burgled. The burglar(s) left being a pocket knife. Perhaps it had helped them get in.
As in your case, the police did not bag it or take it away. I was surprised as, even if there were no fingerprints, the engraved inscription on the knife would make it unique and would surely provide some clue. They told us to bin it, which we did.
They did not hold out much hope that they would find the perpetrators or our belongings. They suggested we go around to local pawn shops to see if any of our stuff showed up.
As in your case, the police did not bag it or take it away. I was surprised as, even if there were no fingerprints, the engraved inscription on the knife would make it unique and would surely provide some clue. They told us to bin it, which we did.
They did not hold out much hope that they would find the perpetrators or our belongings. They suggested we go around to local pawn shops to see if any of our stuff showed up.