Don't you think opposition to mass immigration policy supported by the pro-EU side might have something to do with lower income/education class voting leave? Something at all... maybe a little bit?
Perhaps, though you might not have noticed it, they were voting their self interest?
Is it surprising that highly educated class wouldn't feel threatened by importing more low-skilled immigrants?
I'm simply illustrating that, it's not as simple as the smart people supported remain, so that's the smarter choice. Smarter for whom?
he specifically mention well educated. not wealthy, smart or whatever and put numbers on his claim. you on the other hand just put words into his mouth which he didn't actually say...
If economics and prices were the cause of the crisis you would expect people's voting patterns to vary based on whether or not their profession's job pool scales up with population count. Yet I expect even most of those liable to be out of work if construction slows down with population growth to have voted to leave.
Don't you think opposition to mass immigration policy supported by the pro-EU side might have something to do with lower income/education class voting leave? Something at all... maybe a little bit?
Perhaps, though you might not have noticed it, they were voting their self interest?
Is it surprising that highly educated class wouldn't feel threatened by importing more low-skilled immigrants?
I'm simply illustrating that, it's not as simple as the smart people supported remain, so that's the smarter choice. Smarter for whom?