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Write Code to Rewrite Your Code: jscodeshift (datasciencecentral.com)
82 points by PaulHoule on June 23, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

You can similarly search/replace JS code, but using pattern matching and CSS style selectors instead of writing code, with Grasp. It's usable from the command line like sed.


For instance changing all calls to "calc" from taking two arguments to taking one object literal instead (eg. `calc(1, 2)` to `calc({from: 1, to: 2})`, is as easy as:

    $ grasp -r -e 'calc($a, $b)' -R 'calc({from: {{a}}, to: {{b}}})' file.js
(Where the two arguments to "calc" could be any arbitrary nested expressions, which could not be safely handled by a regular expression)

(Disclaimer: I'm maintaining jscodeshift)

Yes, this is great! I'd love to be able to integrate graspjs with jscodeshift somehow. Ideally there would be multiple possible ways to find the nodes you want to change (pattern matching, tree traversal, etc), and multiple ways to specify how to replace them (e.g. a template like in your example vs a function where you can do anything you want).

Simple transforms should definitely be possible with little "code" like in your example and we certainly have to improve jscodeshift in this regard.

This seems similar to Cocinelle [1], which can perform complex refactorings and bug finding for C code (e.g. the Linux kernel).

[1] http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/sp.php

Original article here https://www.toptal.com/javascript/write-code-to-rewrite-your... (linked at the bottom) has proper code snippets, but a super annoying fullpage interstitial.

Is anyone else seeing the code samples getting cut off? Seems to happen to me in Chrome on both OS X and Ubuntu. The page shows:

    export const sum = (a, b) => { re
And when I copy and paste the line the rest of it is copied to the clipboard.

This seems to be because the DataScienceCentral site stole the content from the original source [1], Toptal. It looks like their copy-paste job messed things up.

[1]: https://www.toptal.com/javascript/write-code-to-rewrite-your...

I think everybody is; it looks like whatever CMS they're using eats newlines out of content pasted into <pre>s, because there aren't any in the source.

Maybe it's a cavil, but I'm not overjoyed at the thought of doing global search and destroy on my codebases with a tool I heard about on a website that messes up something that basic.

On the other hand, apparently jscodeshift itself comes from Facebook [1], and they tend to do good work (on a technical level, at least); perhaps it'd be worthwhile to change the HN link to point to that repo, not least because the code samples aren't munged to unintelligibility there.

[1] https://github.com/facebook/jscodeshift

> I'm not overjoyed at the thought of doing global search and destroy on my codebases with a tool I heard about on a website that messes up something that basic.

When I am writing jscodeshift scripts, it's a constant cycle of git checkout -> run codemod -> git checkout.

Nobody is saying you need to commit the changes: review them by hand if you will. I've never had a problem with jscodeshift itself. Publicly available transform scripts though are quite hit or miss.

Could you share links to buggy ones? I'm interested in seeing how they go wrong.

I can't name any specific situations, but it will generally come down to the fact that your project is different from whatever the script writer was anticipating.

For instance: import statements vs. require expressions - these need to be handled with different AST matchers. Import statements themselves have 3 different varieties of specifiers (default, named, "all") which must be accounted for. A require expression may or may not involve destructuring, it may or may not use const or let over var (each of which need to be handled explicitly, etc.)

As far as failure mode: scripts generally just won't match or work, or they might replace all of your consts with vars, etc - they can be very codebase specific depending on the complexity of the script.

We use jscodeshift [0] in the AVA project to enable our users to run one command to migrate breaking changes in their tests automatically. This really is the future of breaking changes!

[0]: https://github.com/avajs/ava-codemods

Jscodeshift is remarkably easy to write scripts for. It is why I'm very comfortable using all kinds of experimental babel plugins: If somehow the proposed standard changes or just never makes it and I want the code to be es6 compliant (or, say, move it over to a different compiler), then I know that for most cases I can easily write a codemod that makes the changes in our codebase.

Nice examples are stuff like decorators or the :: bind operator.

That this sort of thing is necessary is crazy. I couldn't live without my automatic refactoring tools in other languages.

In other languages you don't need refactoring tools so much. I use the Idea refactoring a lot, but really I can change a method signature, or rip out some code into another method and watch it fail to compile and fix the problems one by one.

Well, yeah, but the fact that that is also possible lets you have those automatic refactoring tools because it's easy to understand what's going on with the code in static analyzers and compilers, etc.

How do you avoid the problems of reformatting the output code? For example, I want long lines broken up in a consistent manner. Doing this correctly in a language like JavaScript is hard. Also, how can I configure the tool to follow a formatting style other than the default?

jscodeshift is primarily a wrapper around recast. Recast takes care of all the printing. It's smart enough to reuse the original source code for AST nodes that haven't been changed.

As for formatting, there are some options to influence the pretty printer, but not a lot [1]. It will infer things like indentation from the existing source code. I'm not sure right now how it handles long lines.

Whenever we run into issues with the printer, we just create a PR to fix it. Getting automatic code formatting right is apparently quite hard. There are dedicated tools for this, such as https://github.com/millermedeiros/esformatter .

[1]: https://github.com/benjamn/recast/blob/master/lib/options.js

Nice, now I can use that to write the code that will rewrite the code of the software I'm developing that will help others code better, so they can launch startups that assist developers in coding new development tools for startups.

Yes, I didn't read this thing, they're using a very bad CMS. I bet it's Wordpress.

I was wrong, it is not.

Does anyone know of something similar for TypeScript?

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