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> I wonder whether Java will get displaced by Swift on the server at some point. Anyone want to place bets?

Last time I checked developing with swift requires xcode, which requires osx, which requires spending excess $1k on what should be commodity x86 hardware, to have it labeled "a Mac".

So a big fat no chance there.

Swift runs on Linux, and Swift's vim/emacs/atom packages work just fine.

Not that I think any enterprise that has tons of Java code will switch to anything ever, much less Swift. But "needs a Mac" is not the reason.

In that case, O'Reilly better get their act together and stop spreading disinformation in their Swift books[1].

[1] http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/swift-pocket-referen...

Where does it say it only runs on iOS and OS X?

Page 5: getting started with swift 2

It says xcode 7 or later is required. How am I going to run that on Linux? How am I going to CI that on Linux?

It doesn't say it's required. Relax, Swift was just open sourced in December so some of the books might still focus on Macs.

Watch someone code and run Swift on Linux: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2016/415/

Are you trolling me? Playing that video requires fucking Safari or a Apple WWDC app...


This is Apple and regard for other platforms in a nutshell. And it sorts of kills any interest I may have had in Swift as well.

Relax, click on Resources tab under the video, there are links to HD and SD versions you can download. PDF slides are there too.

Nope. No links to video on non-Mac systems. PDFs only.

Do I need to pay the apple-tax just to use their web-pages? That's basically a huge middle-finger to web standards. Absolutely useless crap, borderlining offensive.

Apple is doing some pro-grade trolling here. Not even Microsoft is doing stuff like this anymore.

I just downloaded the video on Windows 10, in Edge no less. Click on the resources tab like he said.

Not sure who's trolling here...

edit: Oh wow, I didn't even notice but the video can stream in Edge! Doesn't do it in Chrome on OS X though XD

Firefox running on Fedora: http://imgur.com/akxUq2Y

I tried that page from Firefox on android. Wth would they remove the downloads?

Anyway.. their web pages and developer resources are clearly disfunctional garbage, and their cross platform commitment almost non-existent.

I think it's still fair to say swift won't displace java anytime soon.

They probably think that you are not going to download 1GB+ video on mobile. I don't know, you must ask them.

Anyway, there is no conspiracy to deny the WWDC videos to non-Safari users or to piss them off. It's just how the Apple is, they have protocol they were pushing for a long time (HLS), they are certainly not going to use competitor (MMS or DASH).

In Firefox on Android, check Request Desktop Site and you will get the download links. Or use Chrome for Android, it supports HLS streaming. Meanwhile, you can file bug to Firefox bugzilla and ask for HLS.

I don't think Swift would replace Java anytime soon either. From JVM languages Kotlin has better chances, from non-JVM languages probably Go. (Sorry Rust fans, a typical enterprise programmer is not going to learn how to appease the borrow checker).

I have links to download a >1GB video file on Debian/Chrome. That feels like a pretty big middle finger to web standards as far as I'm concerned. No thanks.

Apple uses HLS, because that's their protocol, competitor to DASH (strictly speaking, neither one is a web standard, though DASH is an ISO standard). It does not work for Firefox or Chrome for OSX users either.

As others already said, Swift is opensource and runs on Linux. With Swift 3, also the standard library (Foundation) should be available on Linux too.

However, Swift for Linux is not yet "productized" in the same way, as Swift for Darwin is. You can download a tarball for Ubuntu only, unpack it somewhere and call it a day. It will take a while before you can use 'yum install swift' from EPEL on your shiny Centos/RHEL workstation.

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