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20-somethings start companies which serve 20-something customers (Facebook, Snapchat, etc).

30-somethings start companies which serve 30-something customers, or enterprise customers of the type they've worked at (where purchasing decisions are made by 30-something directors).

There are exceptions to those rules, but they're pretty consistent.

What's important is that entrepreneurs be consistently visible across age/race/gender/class/origin/etc demographics, so all markets are best served.

When I was in college I help found to startups that focused on college market. When I graduated I focused on markets relevant to my employer. Now that my first born child is coming in focusing on parents and kids. I focus on things that solve my problems, and try to make some money on the side too.

I am in your target market. Do you care to share what you're working on?

Does that really work for you? ... Making money on the side?

It's a lot easier to be riskier in your 20s when you don't have a family to consider when making financial decisions.

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