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There are also a class of total languages (Coq, Agda, Idris) that are guaranteed to terminate but admit (polymorphic) recursion. This is stronger than FOL but weaker than turing-completeness, and certainly sufficient to implement any feasible contract.

I agree. I said first-order logic because I think it is more accessible. Coq, Agda, Idris, etc. employ I think some pretty sophisticated type theory and that would all have to be packaged up in a way that is accessible to an average programmer.

> in a way that is accessible to an average programmer.

The average programmer should not be writing multi-million-dollar contracts.

But : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidity "As specified by Wood it is designed around the ECMAScript syntax to make it familiar for existing web developers;"

I don't think accessibility is a bad thing. I think computing, its practice and theory, should be taught the same way we teach literacy. I didn't mean "average" as in "incompetent". If writing contracts was as simple as writing a few lines of code in some formal language that didn't require a law or finance degree then I would consider that to be a good thing. It would be even better if the system was designed from first principles with solid theory backing it.

I totally agree, but the reality is that in order to write contracts that are sure to be correct, you need a level of expertise that involves much more work than just learning how to write programs. Knowing the syntax and usage of a rigorously-typed language like Agda is the easy part.

Then the platform is flawed. Average programmers should be able to understand it easily.

It's not that hard, some wants X and some wants Y in exchange.

I'm not a lawyer but I write contracts with my clients. If you keep things simple it should fit most people. making g smart contracts complicated you keep it in the area of a small elite who are knowledgeable of playing safe with it.

I wold go as far as make it as simple as HTML.

That's what standardized contracts are for. Tellers don't write the legalese on your credit card receipt. They just print it out.

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