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Use Gitbook. It kicks all kinds of ass, is easy, and has online editor, offline editor, and cli toolchain if needed.

No way. First, it has to be hosted in house. Second, that's basically the same markdown + pandoc I use for free already. Except it's even less flexible, and costs money. If API documentation would be just an ordinary book, I wouldn't have the urge to change anything, as pandoc + custom CSS actually does fine. Generating HTML + TOC from a bunch of .md files isn't really a problem, you know, it just isn't what makes writing API docs painful. I have a couple of sentences to say about every RPC call, maybe. It's actually mostly about providing huge (so, I guess foldable) params/result examples and making it easier to change the docs when the code changes. See Slate for example. Or even readthedocs. Both are not even remotely perfect, but are wa-ay more suitable for writing docs than gitbook.

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