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How to Land an Autonomous Vehicle Job: Coursework (medium.com/self-driving-cars)
29 points by Dangeranger on June 17, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I took the AI for robots on Udacity, the Machine Learning at Coursera and the Control of mobile robots on Coursera. They are all very good in my opinion. Of those, I would start with the Machine Learning course. Not only is it an excellent course and has material found in the others, but if you are at all rusty on your Linear Algebra it will help with that, in addition to the programming of course all of these course make heavy use of linear algebra. The coursera course both use Matlab, the Udacity course uses Python.

Of the robotics course I would say the one on Courera is better in terms of the basics of a robot, like odometry, PID control, etc. The one on Udacity I found more informative in terms of higher level concepts like route planning and localization.

Thanks for the reviews, that's quite helpful. I'm taking Andrew Ng's course again, and really enjoying it. I understood most of it the first time, but having linear algebra and calculus is a huge help this time around.

Excellent list! Can anyone with personal experience with these tell me which ones are most worthwhile?

Also I'd like to suggest cs231n over the udacity course for deep learning

What are people's thoughts on the Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree versus Coursera's Machine Learning?

ETA: Am flexible, but I'm particularly interested in strengthening my Linear Algebra, and prefer to use Python.

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