Have used this in a few projects, and even contributed some patches.
There are several pain points with this lib. Don't remember them all, but for example it is not very "vueish", in the sense it works poorly with vue (for example several components requires the https://github.com/yuche/vue-strap/blob/master/src/utils/Eve...). Also, this is targeting bootstrap 3.
If you want bootstrap 4, and better code, I suggest check out another lib called vuestrap, which targets bootstrap 4: https://github.com/kzima/vuestrap/
(Not to be confused with the link in OP, which is called "vue-strap")
Myself, I moved on to MDL since. If you just want some nice UI components, have a look at vue-mdl: http://posva.net/vue-mdl/
Some offensive examples, and things like the accordian are not accessible, anyway, I gave up after a few seconds, but otherwise a great starting effort perhaps.
I noticed some bugs in the demo. If you go to the date picker example, the "disabled days" dropdown does not close if you click away from it after opening it. Also, if you choose some disabled days and then clear them out, the days remain disabled in the date picker.
i don't get why some of the attributes starts with : and some do not, like <sidebar :show.sync="showRight" placement="right" header="Title" :width="350">. these are the type of things that makes me cringe =/
There are several pain points with this lib. Don't remember them all, but for example it is not very "vueish", in the sense it works poorly with vue (for example several components requires the https://github.com/yuche/vue-strap/blob/master/src/utils/Eve...). Also, this is targeting bootstrap 3.
If you want bootstrap 4, and better code, I suggest check out another lib called vuestrap, which targets bootstrap 4: https://github.com/kzima/vuestrap/ (Not to be confused with the link in OP, which is called "vue-strap")
Myself, I moved on to MDL since. If you just want some nice UI components, have a look at vue-mdl: http://posva.net/vue-mdl/