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It's not even so much the friction-less nature of "Word", it's just that's what testers, PMs, Managers, Directors, Executive Directors, Vice Presidents, Executive Vice Presidents, etc etc all have and understand. Very few people even seem to find "Word's" grotesque shortfalls as engineering documentation to be a problem. Beyond not being able to ever completely turn off auto-capitalization ("boolean" and "Boolean" aren't the same in Java, people!), the lack of a line-by-line diff makes getting feedback on a document painful and impossible to get correct. Nobody in their right mind would accept binary blobs of code as a "new revision" - you couldn't see what changed, for starters. So why do we just accept WITHOUT THOUGHT binary blobs of documentation? Try to make that argument to a PM, and they'll look at you like you're growing a second face on your ass.

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