That would be a case where you wouldn't want to use a purely serverless model. You'd want a persistent server that loads the data and then exposes it as an API for your other serverless functions.
That being said, it's important to remember that Lambda doesn't reload your function for every function call. It loads it on the first call and then keeps it active for a few minutes as long as there are still requests coming in, so you'd only have to deal with that initial load once in a while (or almost never if your function is active enough).
Unless you had a way of extracting your model into a very fast database.
That being said, it's important to remember that Lambda doesn't reload your function for every function call. It loads it on the first call and then keeps it active for a few minutes as long as there are still requests coming in, so you'd only have to deal with that initial load once in a while (or almost never if your function is active enough).
Unless you had a way of extracting your model into a very fast database.