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While I do like simple markup, I think that all markup languages will become a lot better when text input hardware slightly evolves. We are so close to having this.

We have Unicode but most of its symbols are a pain to generate on conventional keyboards.

We have touch-screens but desktop computer keyboards don’t offer them and software on phones/pads still tries a bit too hard to emulate a conventional keyboard layout.

Imagine if all standard keyboards had touch displays on the side to quickly flip between tables of related symbols, optionally with some context-sensitive mode? Then, instead of having to use creative ASCII tricks to make it “simple” to describe what you want, you just do it through your input device.

Ultimately I think markup languages will have to distill their features down to a few structural elements, and rely on Unicode (and easier Unicode input methods) to handle what is currently being done with ASCII hacks.

Would the Optimus Maximus keyboard work?



It exists but hasn't taken over the world.

Apparently Apple's working an OLED display above their keyboard.


A keyboard with OLED keycaps that change depending on the context would be reason enough to get a new laptop altogether, even though I have a brand new one.

As someone who context-switches from XCode to IntelliJ to Photoshop to Emacs, sometimes I confuse the shortcuts, and I don't learn more shortcuts because I'm afraid they will not carry over to other programs. Having discoverable shortcuts would be amazing.

Yea, it always surprised me that Apple hadn't fully copied this idea for Mac books. Maybe it needed to wait for OLEDs?

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