I'm considering using beanstalk for a php app but we have content changes that are very frequent. 134 domains (virtual hosts) and maybe 500 pages (the html) change a day.
How do you update the load balanced set of instances when the instances count changes? tks
Beanstalk doesn't like having more than one virtual host per application/server/load balancer. You can do it but its a lot of custom code to make it work. Beanstalk does do deploys very well though with automatic deploys to a subset of instances, checking they are working, then deploying to a new set of instances. Big fan but it is really designed for one domain per instance set.
Beanstalk handles the load balancing for you and throws a DNS entry in front of it all, as far as I can tell. Works well so far. It's smart and (seems to do) blue/green style deploys for my single app instance atm I believe.
(I'm only running on a single box so far, mostly using it because it made deploying to production and all the annoyances that come with that a breeze).
I'm considering using beanstalk for a php app but we have content changes that are very frequent. 134 domains (virtual hosts) and maybe 500 pages (the html) change a day.
How do you update the load balanced set of instances when the instances count changes? tks