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> The RST rules are clearer and standardized

They're standardised but I wouldn't say they're clearer as the "level" of a specific over/under symbol only depends where it first appeared in the document, I've seen projects where two documents side by side used different underline symbols for the same depths, that gets confusing.

I'd like rST/Sphinx to be stricter on this point, maybe I should open an issue/PR allowing upfront definition of the over/underline hierarchy for the project.

Agreed, RST headers are too "flexible". They're also IMO quite annoying to write and maintain (exactly matching the title length) or ugly (overlength).

This is a long header.[esc]yypVr=


Plus, solving inconsistencies with simple head math: $ to the end of lines to get the character counts from the two line and say, add 3 with 3i=[Esc] or subtract 5 with 5x. With over and under decoration you can . the other side to fixup both.

Came here to say this.

rst-mode in Emacs does wonders in this respect.

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