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I must add Asciidoctor. Which is mostly compatible with Asciidoc, but even more powerful.

I have spent a lot of time trying to make Asciidoc create beautiful PDFs for technical documentation, but Asciidoctor makes it all a lot easier to customize its own stylesheets.

The only negative thing about it is that it is hard to install since it typically isn't found in your distros package repo by default.

And perhaps, just one more standard to unify all of them!

Obligatory xkcd - https://xkcd.com/927/

Thanks to your comment I just tried out Asciidoctor and 'it's absolutely beautiful. It's insanely easy to install on OSX/Linux systems. I can see myself using on some of my pet projects.

I found installing on OSX fairly pain free. Homebrew and a bit of Ruby's gem got me everything.

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