The latest installment just went live - conveniently I offer a comparison to PaaS in it (in that I think there are significant differences between PaaS and FaaS)
Thanks for the article, it was a good read. My problem with the FaaS nomenclature is that it positions serverless as different from PaaS while the two are more alike than different. Now, we need to be careful about the definition of PaaS because there are at least two: 1) PaaS as a cloud computing service model, and 2) PaaS as empirically defined by various PaaSes, like Heroku, Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, etc.
In my opinion, serverless is a kind of a PaaS per definition 1 above. However, in practice serverless is different from PaaS in the definition 2, because Heroku and others have focused on long running services. In contrast, serverless does not replace the need for long running services but works with them. The sweet spot for serverless are short lived, stateless functions, FaaS per your definition. I like to call them microflows to highlight the complementary relationship to the microservices.