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Show HN: Scrape all posts from a Facebook Page, with individual Reaction counts (github.com/minimaxir)
75 points by minimaxir on June 16, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Please be aware that Facebook has sued previous scrapers out of existence and left the founder holding a bag of $3 million in personal liability. See Facebook, Inc. v. Power Ventures, Inc.

Executing a program that scrapes data from Facebook is illegal in the United States, at least until you get an explicit license from Facebook to do so. IANAL and this is not legal advice; just a layperson's opinion.

He's calling it a "scraper" but it just seems to call public API endpoints, so it's perfectly fine to run and use.

Thanks for clarifying that. I edited my message to be a more generic warning about executing actual scrapers.

I added the Privacy note for this reason, particularly in light of the OKCupid incident.

What if I just want the text/images/links from the posts, not any reaction? Does this work with personal profiles?

It will get that data too with the scraper.

This implementation could theoetically work with your own profile (which is not as useful since Facebook lets you download that data), but it definitely will not work with other profiles.

How to download posts from closed groups?

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