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Overview of Small teams bug tracking software:

Unfuddle - Hosted solution, SVN/Git hosting + really clean bug tracking. Free for 2 people, $9/mo for small teams. Has Mylyn support and a OS X dashboard widget

Bugzilla - everyone seems to agree it's too heavy and I don't want to deal with installing and configuring it

Trac - Pretty lightweight, good integration with SVN, and useful built-in wiki, quick, simple installation

Speckle - To-do list with multiple checkboxes, made by HN's very own elliotkember

Pivotal Tracker - hosted solution with drag n drop interface, allows you to import a list of existing bugs in CSV format. I found the interface a little clunky for my taste.

Others mentioned that I haven't checked out: Fogzbugz, Redmine, Lighthouse, Flyspray, Purifyapp, Codebase

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