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  To use an example, if things “just worked” then I'd be able
  to copy music from my iPod back to my laptop, or from one
  machine that I own to another.
True for the first part, as for the second: this feature is built in into iTunes, it even allows you to see the music that's not on your computer and copy it with a simple drag and drop.

  The thing that will be interesting about the iPad is the experience
  of using it — something that nobody has had except for the folks at
  Apple — and as is always the case when dealing with a different type
  of interface, you're always going to be wrong.
Not sure what he has in mind talking about experience. I gather few folks had a chance to try it out after it was presented and all were raving how fast that thing is. Then a lot of folks keep saying "it's just a bigger iPhone", but don't know what the UX will be. Well, if it just a bigger iPhone (it's not) user experience is going to be as good, only better.

Then people cry and predict the end of hacking, tinkering and programming. Folks, don't forget: with iPad also comes out new free SDK. But maybe shouting about freedom is just a tad easier than using it.

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