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Carnegie Mellon student shows that 64 pixels is enough for Mario (video) (engadget.com)
137 points by aresant on March 14, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

Whoa, that's my girlfriend! So proud. Weird to see this after not being online for a week while traveling with her.

hold on to that one

Looks like the levels and perhaps the idea are based on "Super Pixel Bros" game: http://hackaday.com/2010/02/19/update-most-interesting-game-... Here's a youtube progress update: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avvba3prLlc

Pretty awesome if you ask me.

I was a little surprised because I thought everyone knew that if you bumped one of the first blocks with your head, you got a coin ...

Very cool. This would probably work for any tile-based game by assigning a unique color for each tile. The original NES Zelda comes to mind.

I experienced precisely this effect, in a before-and-after style, as a gameplay element yesterday. The game started with lots of visual detail, but began to "degrade" as you advanced through it, and at 100% completion every tile was replaced by a single-colored block.

(The game was "REDDER": http://www.auntiepixelante.com/?p=540)

Holy crap, nice game! Hats off to you.

I'm waiting for someone to port this onto a building using the lights as LEDs.

I need to buy some Arduinos, stat!

A regular computer can draw red and orange squares and accept inputs from buttons too. If you really want to do a hardware project, get an Arduino, but you can easily play with ideas like this without any hardware. And you won't have to write your code in C.

Yeah, but it looks a lot cooler when the orange squares real.

Well, I am a C coder at heart and worked on embedded systems not so long ago. This would be right up my alley as a hardware project :)

The arduino's got so many built in methods via Wiring that coding's really not bad. Shockingly easy at times..

to bad she didn't hook it up to a NES controller, should have been trivial no?

why does she talk like homestar runner?

It sounds like she may have some minor hearing problems, but I think your social disabilities probably have a much greater affect on you than her disability has on her.

prediction for this years' hottest xmas present - arduino

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