Am I the only one not liking the slides having both vertical and horizonzal navigation? Going through the whole presentation requires going in the right direction (down unless last slide in section, in which case it is right...)
You can use Space, which should take you to the correct next slide, without thinking about directions. I found it a neat format to structure a talk into segments. Also, you can press Esc and get a "map" of the slides.
I also hate slide decks that do that. I literally went through this one left to right and thought "wow, that was a really high level overview". Only then I realized I had to hit down some of the time.
(And the "you idiot, you weren't using the correct navigation keys" is not a particularly satisfying answer, I navigated with left and right arrows the way I have always navigated slides for years.)
That strikes me as kinda neat, actually -- is that not the purpose of putting the slides in this order? It's a shortcut to just the topic slides, so you can skim through them even faster and only dig in once you want to.
It's a useful feature during the Q&A portion of a presentation, since you might need to move backward and forward through the slides quickly to pull a relevant reference, diagram, or code example. I'd agree that the primary content should be linear.