WiPro, Disney, IBM, and others are the face of the "bring people in on a visa to train your job for offshore" -- WiPro often being the body shop.
In this instance it isn't the category of Visa, per say, but how immigrant visas are being used.
OP makes a good point about being shackled to a company. The bigs (MSFT, others), don't seem to do such, but the body shops certainly do take advantage of the situation.
Really, if you look at visas granted by company, those at the top are often body shops and should be both ineligible and required to pay significantly more.
In this instance it isn't the category of Visa, per say, but how immigrant visas are being used.
OP makes a good point about being shackled to a company. The bigs (MSFT, others), don't seem to do such, but the body shops certainly do take advantage of the situation.
Really, if you look at visas granted by company, those at the top are often body shops and should be both ineligible and required to pay significantly more.