I like using HTTPie for many things, however the current release does a bad job of rendering XML, e.g. it'll display `<sitemapindex xmlns="http://…">` as `<ns0:sitemapindex xmlns:ns0="http://…">`. But — I just checked and found the not-yet-released v1.0.0 fixes this by removing the XML formatter completely as discussed in https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie/issues/443 so my gripe is sorted.
I still tend to go back to cURL when I want to see exactly what's been received, and use httpie for when I know the response headers and body serialization are fine and I want to see the data therein.
I still tend to go back to cURL when I want to see exactly what's been received, and use httpie for when I know the response headers and body serialization are fine and I want to see the data therein.