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Self-published design book sells $20,000 in first two weeks (generalprojects.com)
43 points by slater on March 11, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

According to Google, they have a traffic value of over 220,000 visitors per month which is roughly 50,000 visitors per week. Since they have sold 500 copies in two weeks, or 250 in one week, they are converting only 0.5% of their traffic. While that is a very small number of sales to visits, we can see just how important internet traffic is.

That said, $15 for a quality e-book seems a fair value. Check out the sample pages here: http://www.underconsideration.com/flaunt/

Unsure how valid those figures are. One of their more well-trafficed sub-blogs, Brand New, doesn't even mention the book.

Even $25 for the printed book is pretty impressive. I have a fair bunch of design books that cost me $80-200 each a number of years ago.

Good deal, amazing it sold as much given how bland the cover is.

I expect they already have an audience and a reputation and didn't have to deal with getting noticed on a store shelf.

This is the key, $20K in two weeks after spending 2 years posting good content every day.

Fancy typeface. Grid layout. Purple. Bunch of stats and info about the contents. It's not that bland. And seems to be their aesthetic: minimalist.

We sold $6k in the first 48 hours of our self-published JavaScript performance book (http://jsrocks.com/). For the record.

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