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>what do you do when someone on BI has a financial emergency or, as will happen with some regularity, just flat-out blows all their money

New startup ideas:

1. Create a BI Credit Union: Like all CU's it will be owned by its members (the people on BI are the shareholders). The BICU will extend credit to these its members (who likely never had credit before) and because members are on BI, the loans/credit would all be pretty standard limiting the risk of default. Maybe members could even take a more active role in voting on approving individual loans of its members as opposed to Bank underwriters.

2. BI Death Insurance: Say you are one of the first recipients of this initial YC BI Project experiment which I believe lasts five years. You can pay a premium and in the instance you die before the end of the 5 years, x% of the remaining BI for the period will be distributed to your beneficiaries.

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