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I expect there's a reason many companies emphasize and encourage their employees take advantage of 100% free preventive care under their insurance plans.

Yeah, it is called brainwashing. I worked in insurance and was all tickled to see them offering "wellness" benefits. I was all "Oh, yay, the world is turning into a better and more clued place!" Then I went to the meetings. These were purely a sales gimmick. That's it.

You encourage people to go to their annual check up and they feel like you actually care. It breeds employee loyalty. It mostly does very little for actual health outcomes. If you actually want better health, you are better off promoting exercise, healthy eating, sanitation, etc. in place of preventive medical screenings.

Theoretically, that's what your doctor is supposed to do at these "preventative checkups": convince you to exercise, diet, etc.

Since we don't see any benefits from annual check-up, that either isn't happening or is ineffective.

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