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It's a laudable goal, but giving a bunch of (mostly) naive, uneducated kids a lump sum of cash is a recipe for disaster. There would instantly be an industry focused on parting them from that money, one that would be extremely profitable and mostly not related to education.

We might call that industry the education industry.

Giving kids lump sums and then convincing them to part ways with it for questionable ROI is already a massive problem.

Wait, we do that already? I don't recall getting any significant amounts of money when I graduated high school! I feel so cheated.

Anyway, there does seem to be a problem with loaning kids lots of money and then parting them from it, but that's a different issue.

You weren't given cash, but today kids are given an essentially unlimited amount of government backed loans to pay for school - the availability of which has caused education costs to skyrocket.

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