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That looks pretty good, but it's not what I was asking for.

I meant voxel art in the way of 2D art that is not inspired in the limitations of resolution or color palettes. Think of scanned drawings, "HD" video games or most DeviantArt stuff. These works are made of 2D pixels, but the 2D pixels are small enough to not be individually visible.

I think they mean more like volume rendering, like might be generated by an MRI or CT scan. In those cases, you end up with a voxel-like 3D data set of discrete points. You can either render the data as voxels, or connect the points into a 3D mesh (like in a normal 3D model).

Yes, look into point-clouds used by various 3d scene recreation technologies that take stereoscopic images and recreate 3d scenes with them.

Do you mean things like the music video for House of Cards by Radiohead?


Not sure, that looks to me like it might be a primitive version of same, although as it's mono, it's probably generated from some sort of laser/ultrasound rangefinder.

This is what I was talking about specifically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AvCxa9Y9NU

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