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Reading this article is like reading something I might have written myself. I, too, just like the author, have been toying around the idea of Clojure games for a long time. I've made small games (Ludum Dare entries mostly) and started (and subsequently killed) a lot of Clojure game engine projects.

I tried the threading approach using agents (which later evolved into agents inside atoms or was it atoms inside agents? It's been a long time) and came to the same conclusion as the author. I tried to move to a more centralized CES approach, which didn't work out.

It's interesting to see how some people can come down to the same path and achieve the same results (for the good or for the bad). I think my experience with Clojure has been overall positive as far as game development goes, although definitely not empty of woes.

Currently what I'm (very on and off) working on is a Visual Novel/Interactive storytelling engine on ClojureScript, at http://novelette.moe and Clojure is great for it. Feel free to trawl through my github profile (link in my profile) if you're curious about some of my (failed? abandoned?) Clojure gamedev projects (among other things).

Nice work with - http://morg.systems/ld31/ Not a lot of graphics & interaction, but the story telling was good.

I finished the game :-)

Nice, for some reason I have a soft spot for interactive fiction engines! How does it compare to Twine?

I had never heard of Twine before, I just had a quick superficial look at it and wow it looks really nice!

To be honest I don't know how it compares, my engine is closer to something like Ren'Py but I plan to provide more freedom to the writers thanks to the power of functional programming and the DSL-like implementation of Lisp. I haven't formalized on a proper syntax for the scripts yet (although a rough example can be seen on my demo game: https://github.com/Morgawr/ld31/blob/master/src/cljs/game/sc... ), but the idea is to have something like the script of an actual novel. The author can define acts and chapters and have actors enter the scene, interact, define the state of the scene (add/remove sprites, backgrounds, music) and define the transitions from chapter to chapter within the novel.

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