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Google Apps Marketplace Launches At Google Campfire One (techcrunch.com)
65 points by babyshake on March 10, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Of course... right when I was getting ready to launch a site meant to evolve into an app marketplace. Leave it to Google's serendipitous timing.

Fortunately this is a complex space with plenty of room for competition and complementary services.

I'd imagine with building into such a space on the back of apples success you'd be expecting some competition for the big players.

...you hope.

The value in Google Apps is that you can integrate with Google's services.

And apparently they are going to great lengths, like in GMail where you can add your own contextual objects (like they did with GMaps).

But this is only for companies that are willing to switch to Google Apps.

I like the OpenID and OAuth choices. Hopefully this can drive serious adoption and we can work on building a more connected web.

Pretty cool. Perfect response to the Microsoft Social Connector (http://blogs.msdn.com/outlook/archive/2009/11/18/announcing-...) - which is typical Microsoft, no marketplace, no details, I can't even find the SDK!

EDIT: of course - right after I praise them - I'm getting a 400 Bad Request on any app that I try to add.

It's really interesting to watch Google ramp up their apps to get ready for Chrome OS later this year. It really seems like they want to be ready to answer a lot of objections before the machines are released.

This is a smart move by Google. Hopefully, they will take this model and apply it to an apps marketplace for consumers so that anyone with a Gmail account can add third party apps to their Google account.

I'd like to see a lightweight project mgmt tool, something like basecamp integrated into Google Apps.

Zoho Projects in integrated there. Similarly, there are other project mgmt apps.

Lots of enterprise stuff! Are there any interesting apps for me as a consumer?

Me-too-soft will have to follow up with their own enterprise app marketplace now. But it will suck because they can't execute. My money is on Google dominating this battle.

You're forgetting the fact that there's already a very active market of addons for Microsoft Office applications.

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