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EDIT: Quite ironically... they use a QR code on the Android download page! http://www.stickybits.com/android/

QR codes for the win! Seems like the Android world has really latched onto this... with the iPhone kind of not so much. You can store a lot more data in a QR code.

There are some handy tools for a common Android workflow which is, I'm at home and I need to bail real fast to catch a bus or head out, but I want the site I am viewing on my computer on my phone. I generate a quick QR code of the page, snap a pic with my phone, and leave.

Here are some links: http://code.google.com/p/qrbookmarklet/ and http://servletsuite.blogspot.com/2008/11/qr-code-bookmarklet...

I built a simple tool here in Honolulu to enhance a service that does estimated arrival times. You can find it here - http://thebus.ws/about. One of the thing I want to do as a public service and because I am a bus nerd, is get some durable plastic tags printed out with a bazillion QR codes for every bus stop on the island, and mount them in a semi-secure fashion (punks are always gonna fuck with things.... but these will be cheap so who cares). That way when you're at a bus stop you can snap a pic of the QR code and load up the page with all the bus arrivals.

GPS is even easier (which is how I am doing it right now, finding stops near you) but this is just another way to make things quicker.

I wish we would adopt QR codes more here in the US of A... Japan uses them all over the place.

> I wish we would adopt QR codes more here in the US of A... Japan uses them all over the place.


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