As an HN community member, I find this a bit upsetting - this link got upmodded to 20 (as of now), and all it is is a link for a course offering. So either (a) fogus is part of a voting ring, or (b) the HN community has degenerated to the point where we upvote stuff based on title alone.
I think you're overreacting. The course is free and seems to be online, so the potential audience is pretty large. I don't see why upvoting this would be such an audacious thing to do.
I'm not following. What exactly are your complaints about this submission? I submitted it because I thought it was interesting and apparently so did ~20 others. I assume you did not since you complained, but you could have instead not paid attention to it.
Fair enough. If enough folks found a free online course worthwhile, then I probably am overreacting. I think I'm just becoming (overly?) sensitive to the degengration of what used to be a stronger community. My apologies.
I agree. I find the registration process really irritating.
An email will be sent to your registered email address (could take 2-3 days). This email contains a link to confirm your account. Please click on that link.
What gives?