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Not sure I'd agree. Seems like her voting record aligns more with neocons than liberals (war, traditional marriage, super predators, etc)

That's a bit of a myth that's come about when compared to Sanders. In reality, her voting record is around the 70th percentile most liberal out of Democrat senators (referring to her last year).


This is a strange election. We have a Democrat who is pro-war, anti gay marriage, and backed by Saudis and wall Street.

She isn't against gay marriage.

She might be more Hawkish then Trump although considering the fact that Trump is making all his nonsense up as he goes along its really hard to tell. He tacks isolationist since everyone is tired of war and then he tacks we will destroy our enemies since everyone hates ISIS.

The Saudis might not be good allies but they are our allies. Considering Trump has talked about retreating from our nicer allies like South Korea and Japan in terms of everyone for themselves I wouldn't be surprised if they prefer her. It's not like they are donating money to her campaign.

Wall Street is afraid Trump will do something crazy and destroy the economy.

It's between a republican who used to be a democrat and a democrat who used to be a republican. It's going to be odd.

Haha, but hilariously both democrats and republicans feel very strongly that we should all vote for one of the two. They know deep down that it's one party with two basically identical divisions, but they could never utter that fact aloud.

Bernie actually voted for the bill related to "super predators", Hillary did not.

How Hillary is blamed for that and not Bernie is unbelievable.

He claimed to support it because it included the Violence Against Women Act, and criticized harsh on crime policies. That said high crime rate of the 90s made everyone a bit crazy. Now with dropping crime rates even conservatives talk of reform and jailing fewer people.


Likely because Hillary is the one who uttered the phrase.

    > Seems
I'd love to hear a shred of fact on this, beause everything I've read that's researched it shows that's an absolute falsehood.

I am struggling to understand what being a hawk and her email server have to do with liberal vs conservative views?

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