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CAS on every property write? That adds up really quickly which is why Rust has Rc vs Arc.

The issue with GC is it's not deterministic. There's a whole nother aspect that has to do with free heap space. Quite a few GCs need some multiple of working set free to do the compact phase. If they don't have it then GC times start to spiral out of control.

On an embedded device(or modern game console) you'll be lucky to have 5-10mb free. On PSP we used to have only 8mb total since 24/32mb went to video+audio. We still ran Lua because we could constrain it to a 400kb block and we knew it would never outgrow it.

Just like everything in software there's different tools for different domain spaces. Otherwise someone would just write one piece of software that fits every problem and we'd all be out of a job.

I don't have the working set numbers on that example. I just had latency, which you were discussing, which maxed out a 145 micro-seconds per pause on highest-stress test. Usually lower. Far as working set, there's a whole subfield dedicated to embedded systems. One early one from IBM I found benchmarks for on a microcontroller had 85% peak performance with 5-30% working set for GC. They basically trade in one direction or another.

The more common strategy I see in CompSci for your use-case is to have a mix of memory pools, GC, and safe manual. Ada had memory pools and I'm sure you get the concept. Safe manual is when static analysis shows a delete can happen without safety consequences. So, that can be unmanaged. Then, what's left is handled by the concurrent, real-time GC. In typical applications, that's a small fraction of memory.

Yup and in games that exactly the space that Lua/UnrealScript/etc fit neatly into.

The issue is with using GC based language for areas where you need high throughput and low latency(there's the whole cache miss thing which GC exacerbates).

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