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If someone with better knowledge of S-1s could shed light on this: where can we see the option pool / option grants awarded to employees? Must be somewhere in there, no?

Do you want to see the overall size of the pool? That's simply shares outstanding. Do you want to see shares owned by specific people? That's only going to be there for the largest holders. Keep in mind shares outstanding is almost certainly larger than the existing options held by employees for a few reasons. First, people probably haven't vested their options completely in many/all cases. Secondly, some reserve is maintained for anticipated hiring.

The S-1 doesn't reveal every shareholder or potential shareholder (either unexercised option holder or still vesting). You can get into this somewhat when you look at compensation expenses. Some portion of that is shares granted -- but that's only a retrospective number.

OK thanks, it was more to get an idea of "how much stock do the employees own vs. VCs and execs" but it looks like we don't have enough data to compute that

You can get an idea of this just by using standard funding math. Series E means investors hold 70% give or take. Execs hold 20-25% of the remainder, and rank and file employees have < 5%. One factor here that is meaningful -- original shareholders have taken money off the table, meaning they've given up ownership in the company to investors in exchange for cash. I don't know if that offer was made equally to all shareholders (I've heard a lot of good things about Twilio, so I imagine it was) -- which is why I say < 5% -- the number would be larger otherwise.

Only stockholders >5% are required to show up in an S-1

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